saurabh kharkate
3 min readSep 24, 2021


sl command :
You might be aware of command ‘ls‘ the list command, which is used frequently to view the contents of a folder but because of miss-typing sometimes you would result in ‘sl‘, how about getting a little fun in the terminal and not “command not found“

first you have to install it.
yum install sl

cowsay command:

An ASCII cow in the terminal will say whatever you want.
install cowsay:
yum install cowsay

cowsay “Hello world”

Yes Command:

yes “This is a yes command”

If you write any word after this command then it will print it until you press ctrl+c.

In this command you can add different different files and run it in different different character .

I mentioned below all that files.

cowsay -f dragon.cow “This is a terminal”
cowsay -f eyes.cow “This is a terminal”
cowsay -f ghostbusters.cow “This is a terminal”

figlet Command:

figlet “fun command”

The figlet command makes turns ordinary terminal text into big fancy letters.

There are a number of font and formatting options, so use the showfigfont command to see the available fonts:

Then you can specify which font you want to use with the -f option

figlet -f block “fun command”

Thanks for Reading!!!

